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TELO New System Training FAQ's

Q: Is there a guide for the new TELO system?

A: Yes! The TELO System Guide provides information about how to access the TELO system and perform all required actions for Export and Import applications.  

Q: I was unable to attend one of the 12 new system mandatory sessions offered in July but need to access the new TE Portal. What do I do?

A: Please watch the recording of one of the new system mandatory training webinars offered in July. Additionally, we highly recommend you watch this brief video which walks you through the new system, how to update your school-required information and, why you may/may not be seeing Continuing Imports/Exports in the new system.  Additionally, please review this video walk-through of how to update your Export and Import records, and make other necessary changes in the system.  Once you watch the webinar and training videos, please email info@tuitionexchange.org to notify us you've done so (we will also be able to confirm you did so) so we can update the system to reflect that you completed mandatory training. You can then log into the new TE Portal and click "Forgot Password" to generate an email with your temporary password. 


Q: How can I obtain the PowerPoint slides from July Mandatory New System training?

A: Please click here to download PowerPoint file (please check your downloads after you click to access the presentation-it may take a minute to download) or choose pdf file download


Q: How can I obtain the PowerPoint slides from the Post-Mandatory Training Palooza Sessions?

A: While that session was more of a system walk-through, the small number of slides can be found here. You can access a system walk-through video below here.


Q: What's the new Enrollment Report process in the new system--how do I mark students as enrolled?

A: Please review this brief video walk-through of the enrollment process and the Enrollment Report in the new system.  Additionally, you can find detailed step-by-step directions here.  


Q: How can I access the PowerPoint and the webinar recording of the Enrollment Report/Enrollment Review webinars held in January?

A: Click to view the PowerPoint slides and the webinar recording from the January 2025 session.


Q: How do I add or modify the Primary or Secondary TELO (Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer), or update other Users in the new system? 

A: Only the Primary TELO can add/modify Users.  Visit te.tuitionexchange.org and follow these instructions.  If you do not have access to the system yourself, because you were not the TELO or other user, please email info@tuitionexchange.org.


Q: I don't see my continuing students that I re-certified in the old system under 2024-2025 year in the new system, why?

A: First, please be sure when viewing Imports and Exports that you are selecting "All Aid Years" (not "All Active Aid Years") from the top menu.  Secondly, keep in mind that CONTINUING students that were re-certified by their exporting school before the old system went down would have moved over to the new system provided they did not have an expiration date of 6/1/24 or prior; however, they will ALL have a cohort year (regardless of year they started) of 2023-2024.  They do not need to do a new application and will show with a status of Enrolled.  The Import school only needs to update them if their status is no longer Enrolled. They will appear on the 2024-2025 Enrollment Report. All NEW students that were approved or decision pending, provided they had been Export Approved by the Export school, moved with a cohort year of 2024-2025. Those students need to be marked as Enrolled by the Import school and/or statused out (i.e.-marked as Did not enroll, etc.) if not enrolled.

If a continuing student that is enrolled was NOT re-certified and does not show up under your Imports at all, or shows as a Closed Application, then they do need to complete a new TE EZ-Application. New Imports that were not decision pending or approved (ex.-waitlist or rejected students) or Export approved would not have moved over from the old system and will need to do a new TE EZ-Application.


Q: Will I still need to re-certify continuing TE Scholars each year in the new system?

A: No.  Re-certification (as a system action) is a thing of the past, as explained in the training.  New students marked as "Enrolled" by their Import school are assumed to have eight semesters of eligibility and unless the Export school updates eligibility (perhaps b/c the employee is no longer employed, the student does not meet eligibility requirements) or the Import school denies the student, the student will roll to the next year automatically, remaining at the "Enrolled" status until their eligibility is exhausted. Once a student is marked as "Enrolled" by the Import School, they remand they will appear on the Enrollment Report for each school.


Q: One of my institution's new Export student applicants accidentally selected the wrong application year (or wrong student classification/grade level) when completing the TE EZ-Application. They cannot update it and asked me to.  How do I do that?

A:  Neither the TELO nor TE Central can update the application year.  Instead, in the TELO system, if you did not already Export Approve the student, you can click the Delete Application button at the bottom of the screen. If you already Export Approved the student, you should go to Exports, Applications, and click the pencil icon to update the Export status to Denied/Other and enter the reason to close out the application. Once the application is closed out, please advise the student to log into their existing TE EZ-Application and create a new application for the correct year. 


Q: Do students and parents receive email notifications when their Export or Import status is updated by a TELO?

A: In the new system, just as the TELO's no longer receive individual emails when actions are taken on applications, students/parents do not either. The student can log into the TE EZ-Application account to review the current status of their applications. It should be noted--the Primary and Secondary TELO will get notifications of updates made to their Import and Export applications via the Daily Digest email the following day.


Q: I have an Import student that graduated but is still listed as Enrolled. What status do I update them to to get them off my Enrollment Report?

A: You can go to Imports, Applications, and update their Import Status to "withdrawn". 


Q: Why am I not getting a Daily Digest notification when a new Import application is submitted yet I see it in the system under my Import Applications?

A: Import schools are only notified about student applications after the Export school approves the application. This was done purposefully because there is nothing for the Import school to do until the Export school has done their part. It seemed like an unnecessary notification for the Import school since they are unable to take any action. The Import school does receive a notification in the Daily Digest once the Export school approves the application which is when the Import school can begin their work on the application.


Q: I received a Daily Digest notice re: one of my Imports that I had updated to Leave of Absence status, letting me know it is expiring. Is there anything I need to do?

A: If the student is not re--enrolled within 15 days after the LOA End Date you entered, the student's TE EZ-Application will close (they will be updated to an Import status of Withdrawn). If you are not yet ready to re-enroll the student because your semester is not starting for a few more weeks, provided you update it before the Leave of Absence End Date you entered originally, you can go into Imports, Applications, click View Application and make the LOA End Date a later date (ex.-perhaps the first day of the upcoming semester when the student plans to re-enroll).  As long as you mark the student Enrolled within 15 days of the semester beginning, in that case, the application will not be closed out by the system. Note-once the LOA End Date is passed, that field becomes un-editable by the school.


Q: I set up the Invoice Billing contact for my school in the School Profile. Can that individual pay the invoice in the TE Portal?

A: While that individual will get invoice notifications via email, currently, for that individual to be able to pay the invoice, the Primary TELO would need to add that individual as a User, with a Billing role.


Q: Can I pay my invoice by phone?

A: Tuition Exchange cannot accept payments by phone any longer.  We do accept credit card payments (the payer must be set up with a Billing User role by the Primary TELO) or by check, mailed to:  3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 700, Bethesda, MD  20814. 


Q: How do I update a student's Eligibility Remaining field in the new system?

A:  While they can extend eligibility for a student, TELO's cannot edit the Eligibility Remaining field. It is driven by the Import school marking the student as Enrolled. The number of semesters is determined by the grade level Student Classification students select when they first apply. Students that indicate a Student Classification (aka-grade level) of first-year, never attended on the TE EZ-Application start off with eight semesters of eligibility, the number adjusts after the semester ends, if the student was marked as Enrolled by the Import school. A student that indicates they are a second year student has six semesters of eligibility, a student who indicates they are a third year student has four semesters of eligibility, a student who indicates they are a fourth/fifth year student has two semesters of eligibility.

If you need to extend eligibility for a student beyond the typical eight semesters (or beyond what they currently have), as the Import School, you can go to Imports/Applications, select the specific student, right click (bottom left corner) on View Application and click "Extend Eligibility" button at the bottom left side of your screen. If the student only needs one semester of eligibility, verus the standard two semester/one year extension, after the first term of extended eligibility ends, update their Import Status to "Denied-Other" and indicate in the comment that they graduated.


Q:  I need to reduce Eligibility Remaining for a student who used a semester of TE eligibility during the summer. How do I do that?

A: Go to Imports/Applications, select the specific student, right click (bottom left corner) on View Application and click "Add Summer Term" to reduce Eligibility Remaining by one semester.


Q: I need to change my school name, my school address or my school's website url in the TELO system.  How do I do that?

A: Email info@tuitionexchange.org as we must make updates to those data elements for you.


Q: How do I add my school logo in the new system?

A: Follow these instructions.


Q: Can you provide what I had as my School Overview before ?

A: Unfortunately, we do not have what you wrote in your previous School Overview as it was in the old system.  A good place to start might be your institution's website, and clicking "About" from your main menu as it often contains an institutional description.


Q: My institution cannot be selected by students on the TE School list on the TE EZ-Application OR my employees cannot select my institution as their Employer on the TE EZ-Application. Why?

A: If your institution is not showing or is not available for selection on the TE EZ-Application, it is because you either did not set up your Annual Aid Year School Information in the new system for that specific year the student is seeking TE for, or, the import (or export) application deadline you listed in your Annual Aid Year Information has passed.  Please check your Annual Aid Year School Information and School Profile at te.tuitionexchange.org and make the appropriate updates, being sure to review your import and export applications deadlines carefully. 


Q: How do I complete the School Profile and what are the custom fields for?

A: Follow these instructions.  Custom fields are what you would like to know about students that might not be on the TE EZ-Application.  Examples: Are you a first-generation college student?  Do you have other siblings in college? Do you plan to apply early decision?


Q: How will I learn about new TE EZ-Applications that are submitted to my institution (imports), as well as status updates made by other institutions for my export students?

A: You will receive a Daily Digest email that shows your school activity from the prior day. Here's a sample Daily Digest email


Q: My student is missing in the new system.  Why and how do I resolve this?

A: See possible reasons why.


Q:  How do I pay my TE invoice in the new system?

A: Follow these instructions.


Q: Where in the new system can I see the continuing students I recertified in the old system before it went offline?

A: If you go to Exports, Applications and select "All Aid Years" at the top (note-do not click "All Active Aid Years), any student re-certified in the old system who had any semesters of remaining eligibility will have an Aid Year "cohort" of 2023-2024 (regardless of when they started).  New students will have an Aid Year cohort of 2024-2025. 


Q: How do I access my Enrollment Report?

A: Follow these instructions.


Q: What does it mean to Enroll a Student and when/how do I Enroll my Imports?

A:  Follow these instructions.


Q: How do I close an application or update an application for an export student who is no longer eligible for TE due to a parent employee separating from my institution?

A: Follow these instructions.


Q: When can I enroll my import students for the fall?  

A: The Enrolled option will be come available in the Import Status drop-down on August 15 for the fall term.


Q: When does the TE system update a student's number of semesters of eligibility remaining, and perform other actions?

A: Please review the TE system calendar activities.


Q: What does the TE EZ-Application look like?

A: See attached!  You can also review the TE EZ-Application podcast.


Q: Is there any information I can provide to eligible dependents of faculty/staff at my institution re: how to complete the TE EZ-Application?

A: Please feel free to share attached!


Q: I am also a FACHEX school. How can I tell if a student applied for TE or for FACHEX only?

A: Follow these instructions.


Q: Who can I share information with regarding my TE Import and Export students?

A: Please see information on the TE EZ-Application FERPA release and information-sharing.