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Article does not have an imageLink to article: New Member Packet

New Member Packet

Thank you for your interest in joining The Tuition Exchange. When ready to join, please download the membership agreement, complete the form, and email the signed paper copy to info@tuitionexchange.org. If your institution meets the requirements for membership, the application is processed and your school information is published on our website.  The membership agreement is available  Click here The W-9 form is available  Here . The Tuition Exchange membership brochure is available by clicking here . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Tuition opportunities for Families

Tuition opportunities for Families

Your faculty and staff will appreciate the many opportunities that The Tuition Exchange offers their families.  ATuition Exchange scholarship far exceed the substantial dollar value of the award. Making College Possible. TE's large scholarship awards help defray a cost that may be beyond the reach of some families. For others, The Tuition Exchange makes it significantly easier to send multiple dependents to college. Offering a School for Everyone. The Tuition Exchange membership . . .

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Membership in The Tuition Exchange is open to any regionally accredited public or non-profit institution of higher education. Schools may apply at any time during the year. One of the bigger benefits of being a Tuition Exchange member...you are participating in a robust exchange program that makes a career at your school more appealing and a degree at your institution more affordable. Our members tell us that the TE scholarship program helps them attract talented faculty and staff and enroll top-tier students. The opportunity . . .

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Membership in The Tuition Exchange is open to any regionally accredited public or non-profit institution of higher education. Schools may apply at any time during the year. The Benefits As a Tuition Exchange member, you participate in a program that makes a career at your school more appealing and a degree at your institution more affordable. Members tell us our scholarship program helps them attract talented faculty and staff and enroll top-tier students. The opportunity to earn full-tuition or substantial scholarships at 672+ . . .

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Tuition Exchange's Mission and Scope

From our Constitution and By-laws, Article IV Object Purpose and Scope: "The Corporation shall be operated exclusively for educational purposes for the benefit of public, private nonprofit, and religious colleges and universities through the advancement and administration of reciprocal tuition scholarships for children and other dependents of faculty and other employees of educational institutions associated with The Tuition Exchange, Inc. and for related purposes similarly designed to promote the advancement of . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: TE at a Glance

TE at a Glance

Tuition Exchange Tuition Exchange (TE) is a reciprocal scholarship opportunity for the dependents of eligible faculty and staff at all Tuition Exchange member schools .    TE is available to eligible employees at member schools.  Eligible employees are defined by the employee’s school.  Tuition Exchange is not an employee benefit, nor it is a guaranteed scholarship opportunity.   The school defines the beneficiary dependent .  This can include the employee, spouse, partner, . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Exchange programs

Exchange programs

There is a variety of tuition exchange programs that your school may be associated.  The Tuition Exchange and the Council of Independent Colleges are among the most significant member-based exchange organizations. There are at least ten additional geographic and mission-based small exchange programs.   CLICK HERE for access to the comparison sheet of the two largest programs. Other known exchange programs include Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Catholic College Cooperative Tuition . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Sample TE Guidelines

Sample TE Guidelines

The ALPHA COLLEGE Tuition Exchange Program   The Tuition Exchange (TE) provides a reciprocal scholarship exchange program for family members of full-time faculty and staff among its members of over 667 colleges and universities located in 47 states and four countries. The primary obligation of a member institution is to maintain a balanced exchange pattern, a reasonable match between student "exports" and student "imports". A member institution may import as many as it wishes. It may not, however, . . .