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The TE EZ-Application

The TE EZ-Application should only be completed by a student applying for a Tuition Exchange Scholarship for the first time, unless the student is transferring to a new school or the parent has changed employers. **Continuing TE Scholars (those already receiving a Tuition Exchange Scholarship) should not re-apply.** 


Completing a TE EZ-Application is a two-step process:

1. The student (not the parent!) applying for consideration for a Tuition Exchange Scholarship must first create an account

2. This will enable the student to log in and complete the TE EZ-Application


Important Things to Know Before You Complete the TE EZ-Application:

  • The student (not the parent employee!) must create the account using his/her information.
  • Use an email address that will remain with the student after he/she graduates high school.
  • The password has to be at least 12 characters long and include one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, a number and a special character.
  • The student can add/delete schools but the maximum number of active schools at any one time is 20.  If a student is no longer considering a school originally listed on the application, he/she should return to the application and remove that school from the school list. This will notify the school that the student has withdrawn his/her TE Application (the student should notify his/her Admissions counselor separately). 
  • The student can log back in to check the status of his/her application (see status key below), or download the Tuition Exchange mobile app. 
  • The student cannot change the employee (parent information) after submitting the application.  If the employer information changes, a new TE EZ-Application is required, which lists the new employer. 
  • If the parent's school of employment is not listed as an option on the application, contact that school's TELO (Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer) as they need to review the deadline they have in the TE system for export applications to be considered.  That individual's email can be found by clicking on the school, on the School Members List. Unfortunately, Tuition Exchange cannot assist.
  • If the school the student is interested in is grayed out on the application and the student cannot select it, that institution's import application deadline may have passed.  Unfortunately, Tuition Exchange cannot adjust this. Please contact that school's TELO (Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer) as they need to review the deadline they have in the TE system for export applications to be considered.  That individual's email can be found by clicking on the school, on the School Members List
  • Students can create only one account.


Application Statuses:

Status Key

  • Denied-Not an Employee - The Export (sending) school has deemed the student is not eligible to be considered for TE Scholarships at any schools because he/she is not eligible. Direct questions about this to Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer (TELO) at the Export School. 
  • Awaiting Import School Decision - The student's Tuition Exchange scholarship has not yet been thoroughly reviewed by the Import School.  Direct questions about this to your Admissions counselor at the Import School.
  • Awaiting Export Decision - The Export Institution's TE Liaison Officer has not approved the application for Export consideration. Direct questions about this to the Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer at the school the parent is employed at.
  • Export Approved - the Export (sending) institution, approved the student for TE Scholarship consideration at the institutions listed on the students TE EZ-Application. Now, the Import Schools need to decide if they will offer Tuition Exchange to the student should he/she enroll.
  • Denied-Other - Reasons vary (ex.-the family informed the Export TE Liaison Officer that the student is no longer interested in attending that particular school. This action occurred because of information your family shared with your TE Liaison Officer).
  • Denied-Min Req Not Met -The Export institution did not approve the student to be considered for TE at other institutions because eligibility requirements were not met. Check with the Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer at the parent's school.
  • Denied-Accepted, Didn't Enroll - Student was offered a TE Scholarship as an accepted student but decided to attend elsewhere
  • Denied-Did Not Apply -The student never applied for admission to the institution so is no longer being considered for a TE Scholarship.  
  • Under Review - The import institution is reviewing the application.
  • Import Approved - The import institution approved the student for a TE Scholarship.
  • Declined-Student Offered But Did Not Want - Student was offered a TE Scholarship at that institution but did not accept it.