FACHEX Exchange Program
The FACHEX Exchange Program
The FACHEX (Faculty, Administrator, and Staff Children Exchange Program) is an undergraduate tuition scholarship program which allows dependents eligible for tuition benefits at the “exporting” institution to apply for the same benefits at participating “importing” institutions. It was established by the Conference of the Academic Vice Presidents of the Association of Catholic, Jesuit Colleges (AJCU) in 1971 and continues to the present time. The benefit extended to FACHEX recipients should be consistent with the tuition remission benefits extended to dependents of the home institution’s employees. The value of FACHEX Scholarship is full tuition. Visit the AJCU FACHEX page for more information about the program. Participating FACHEX institutions are listed below. All but two are also members of the Tuition Exchange Program. To find the TELO (TE/FACHEX Liaison Officer) for any FACHEX school below, visit our TE School List.