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Sample TE Guidelines

The ALPHA COLLEGE Tuition Exchange Program

The Tuition Exchange (TE) provides a reciprocal scholarship exchange program for family members of full-time faculty and staff among its members of over 667 colleges and universities located in 47 states and four countries.

The primary obligation of a member institution is to maintain a balanced exchange pattern, a reasonable match between student "exports" and student "imports". A member institution may import as many as it wishes. It may not, however, export more than it imports. Institutions with many candidates seeking TE Scholarships usually limit awards offered.

All students must apply for admission to the institution they wish to attend and that institution determines admission and admission procedures.

The following guidelines are applicable to ALPHA COLLEGE employees who participate in the TE program.

  1. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE: Any currently employed Alpha College full-time faculty or staff, who has completed _____ year(s) of continuous full-time service as of September 1 of the current academic year.
  2. FAMILY MEMBER: Any child born to an employee, legally adopted by an employee, or for whom legal guardianship can be documented (add age limit, shown as a dependent on federal taxes etc) (or spouse, (or domestic partner), or self )
  3. CANDIDATE: The family member of an eligible employee who has been certified (sponsored) by Alpha College for _____ (full-time degree study at) a college or university that participates in the Tuition Exchange program. Scholarships _______ (are, are not) granted for graduate study, non-degree study or second undergraduate degrees.
  4. MAXIMUM SCHOLARSHIP: TE scholarships will not exceed a maximum of ____semesters per employee and they may be divided among family members. (Alternatives: The TE scholarship will be awarded to only one family member at a time, or awarded to only one family member for up to eight semesters).
  5. Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer is: __________________________

    By _______(September 15) of each academic year family members of Alpha College faculty and staff wish to be considered for TE will notify the TE Liaison Officer of intent and formally register.
  6. By _______(November 1) of each academic year, Alpha College will be in a position to determine how many new students can be certified.
  7. If the number of applicants is equal to the number of slots available, each applicant will be given the opportunity to seek a TE scholarship and Alpha College will sponsor the prospective student by certifying him or her as a TE Candidate and sending notice of certification to as many as________(6) TE member schools to which the candidate has applied (or plans to apply).
  8. If the number of prospective candidates exceeds the number of slots, candidates will be selected on the following priority ranking:
    1. First priority will be given to applicants based on employment seniority of the faculty/staff member. Seniority is based on years of continuous full-time service at Alpha College
    2. Among applicants whose parents have the same years of seniority, priority will be determined by financial need as measured by the Parent's Confidential Statement.
    3. Last priority will be given to students with family members who have already received a TE scholarship for _____ (one, two) years.