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TELO Visual snippets

Check here for quick visual helpers

To help TELO's navigate the site a bit better, TE Central is in the process of creating quick visual helpers.  Helpers will be added when and as they are created.  TELO's can review, print, download, whatever works best for you...

CLICK HERE for information on how to delete a duplicate

CLICK HERE for information on how to add a new student with multiple export school requests

CLICK HERE for information on how to add a Double Credit 3 record - new and/or continuing student

CLICK HERE for information on how to add information to your TE institutional profile

CLICK HERE for information on how to claim a TE student as enrolled at your school

CLICK HERE for information on how to Approve a TE IMPORT RECORD

CLICK HERE for information on Double Credit 3 details

CLICK HERE for information on how to withdraw an Export student

CLICK HERE for information on how to log into the TELO Only Resource portal

CLICK HERE FOR information on how to update a student's record in Editing

CLICK HERE for information on how to process your Annual Dues invoice

Click here to  see how to process your Participation Fees statement

CLICK HERE for information on how families can use the TE school search function

Click Here for information on how families can use the TE website to find the right school for their student

Click Here for adding or updating my TE Overview information

Click Here for information on how to update the mandatory profile information

Click here for how to update a student's record due to ineligibility

Click Here for information on how to order TE marketing materials

Click Here for information on how a family can locate their TELO

Click Here to access information on how to answer Question # 4 on the Overview

Click Here for information on how to recertify an eligible continuing student

Click Here for information on how to enter new 2016-17 TE applications

Click here for information on how to better understand your balance sheet

Click here to learn how to update your tuition amounts

CLICK HERE for an example of approving new 2016-17 TE scholars

CLICK HERE  for an example for withdrawing a new 2016/17 approved or pending EXPORT application

CLICK HERE  for an example for approving or rejecting a new 2016-17 IMPORT application

As more snippets are developed they will be added.  Need a snippet?  Use the Feedback Section below.


janet djanet.dodson@doane.eduMay 07, 2015need a snippet on updating an applicants information