TELO Website and Policy Checklist
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TE Website and Policy Checklist
Review and update the tuition amount.
Confirm the TE award amount.
Review Mandatory Update information and update as necessary.
Review your TELO contact information.
Do you have a backup contact?
Review your TE Policies and Procedures
Consider updating your maximum eligibility statement.
Consider eight semesters or graduation, whichever is first.
What about transfer students?
Do you review the student’s transcript or confirm the transfer grade level with the Registrar’s office?
If yes, do you modify the maximum number of semesters?
If yes, do you notify the student?
Consider creating a Reduction in Force (RIF) policy.
Share information about TE eligibility at your school. Make sure your Enrollment Management Team is in the know!
Provide families with IRS Tax information by pointing them to the IRS Publication 970.
At the beginning of each enrollment term, confirm that your Enrollment Report is up-to-date and accurate.
If a student withdraws during the term or does not return for the spring term, treat this student as a Dropped student.
If a student does not enroll for any part of the academic year, treat this student as a Deleted student.
You will need assistance from TE Central to fix this issue.
At the beginning of each enrollment term, check your online invoices to confirm that Annual Membership Dues and all Participation Fees are paid in full.
Double Credit 3
DC 3 offers TE semester credit on the TE Enrollment Report for up to three students annually. The TE member institution pays the TE participation fee. DC3 provides schools with the ability to have strong import numbers.
To do this, open your TELO Portal, choose EDITING, and click the student option. The current DC 3 students will roll forward each year, provided the student maintains eligibility.
A DC 3 student who transfers to another TE DC 3-member school does not have to be designated as a DC 3 student. If a DC 3 student becomes TE ineligible, you can replace the student. You will be billed another participation fee in this case.
Remember that the maximum number of annual DC 3 students is three. By 2022-23 schools may have up to 12 designated DC 3 students. Program directions are available inside the TE Liaison Officer portal on the left under Instructions.
Your Enrollment Report indicates which students are DC 3 students.
Imports provide schools with the power to export. You are encouraged to consider this option as another way to grant additional exporting opportunities for your employees.
TE Central has created a variety of generic email notifications that will be sent to TE applicants and parents (if applicable) or TELOs at the Import/Export school.
- TE initial applications are entered into the TE system.
Students and Parents receive notifications provided the emails provided are valid.
- TE Continuing student’s recertification is completed.
Student and Parent receive the notification.
- The Import school reviews TE certifications (applications) in the TE system.
Approved – Exporting TELO is notified.
Rejected – Exporting TELO is notified.
Waitlist – Exporting TELO is notified.
- TE certifications (application) are marked enrolled after the Fall term, and the student is registered.
Exporting TELO is updated.
No other school can claim the student.
Academic Year – August through May of a given year.
Enrollment Report – the report is submitted annually and due at the end of September. This organic report should be reviewed at the beginning of each new enrollment term to ensure all reporting is up-to-date and accurate.
Application certification – occurs once the Exporting TELO submits the eligible student’s information for IMPORT consideration.
Continuing Student Recertification – is initiated by the EXPORT school, confirming that the student is the dependent of an eligible employee.
The IMPORT school must confirm continued academic eligibility to continue the student’s funding at the import school.
Delete – this is used when a student NEVER enrolls during the current academic year.
Drop – same as Withdrawal.
Export school - where the eligible employee works
Enrollment periods – TE Central uses Fall and/or Winter are generic enrollment terms.
Fall enrollment should be considered your first enrollment of the new academic year.
Winter enrollment should be considered your second enrollment of the academic year.
Import school where the dependent of the eligible employee wishes to attend.
Leave of Absence – this is used when a student needs for mel or mitigating circumstances to leave for a defined period. Check with your Registrar before assigning this category.
Loss of Eligibility means the employee is no longer eligible for TE awards.
In addition to completing the Withdraw form – please email the Importing TELO directly.
Membership Dues – is the TE member school’s annual obligation.
Payment is due in July each year regardless of export and import numbers.
Reject - this is used by the IMPORT school only.
The Tuition Exchange Board of Directors reviewed and set the Optional Set Rate. This is the weighted average of reported tuition amounts of all current TE members. Schools with tuition greater than the annual Set Rate may use it. Schools with tuition less than the Optional Set Rate must offer TE recipients full tuition unless the school freezes student tuition, and the scholarship amount increases with tuition
Participation Fees –the total amount due for each student successfully exported from your school. The participation fee is per student, not per term. TE member schools participating in DC 3 will also be accessed a participation fee for each of their yearly Imports through the DC 3 program.
Total number of academic years – typically 4 (always use whole numbers only – no words)
Total number of semesters – typically 8 (always use whole numbers only – no words)
Withdraw - this term is used by the EXPORT school only concluded.