TE Central letter to Presidents
December 4, 2014
Dear TELO’s:
On November 25, TE Central mailed an informational letter to your president. The primary focus of the letter was to say thank you for being a valuable Tuition Exchange member and that we look forward to a continued long term relationship. In addition to saying thank you, the letter provided a high level overview of program enhancements and encouragement to share the news about Tuition Exchange with their colleagues who are not TE members.
TE Central wants to be sure you are in the know in case your institutional leadership contacts you. The letter is posted inside the TELO Only Forms portal within the Communications folder. Today, a similar letter was mailed to 187 schools that are not TE members. We hope you will encourage other schools to join too. Increased membership provides all students with wider choice of diverse options.
We continue to get log in questions for the TELO ONLY FORMS option
Member Resource tab (last one on the right)
Email is TELO@tuitionexchange.org
Password is TELO14
Hit sign-in
If it APPEARS that nothing happened or worked right – CHECK again in the Member Resource tab – a new option is now available
TELO ONLY FORMS – click on this option and you are now inside and have access to all the many forms, webinar recordings and handouts, and the update TE Handbook.
As always thank you for your support of Tuition Exchange and its participants. If you have additional questions or need help accessing the TELO ONLY FORMS section – please call me at 402.418.1081.
Thanks! Janet Dodson