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Membership Services Survey - Executive Summary

Membership Services Survey

In late September, a survey was emailed to all primary TELO’s.  We received 210 completed surveys.  Below is the executive summary.

Roughly 33% of those asked to complete the survey actually submitted responses.  There were a total of 14 questions, with question 14 being a “give us your Email address” for a random drawing of travel assistance stipend for Spring, 2016 training.  One-hundred and nineteen opted into our drawing.

The survey reveals that 46% of our current TELO’s work in Financial Aid and 29% work in Human Resources.  Eighty-eight of the TELO’s completing the survey have served as their institutional TELO for more than 6 years, while 84 having served for at least one year.

Ninety-nine percent of the 210 respondents gave a satisfaction rate of yes I am satisfied with all the membership services received.  We also asked for comments regarding this question.  The responses ranged from continue website enhancements to TE provides above and beyond a high quality service.  A follow-up to this question was have you actually accessed any of our monthly training activities or communication briefings?  It is wonderful to be able to share that 189 of the respondents’ report accessing our membership services.

We asked a follow-up to if you have not accessed why not?  The biggest response was I am a seasoned TELO and don’t feel the need to attend.  Our future messages need to encourage all TELO’s to attend at least our annual update webinar typically held in June.  On a brighter note 87% of those responding indicated attending at least one webinar in the past 18 months and all reported being pleased with the topic and manner of delivery.

We continue to struggle with folks accessing the TELO Only Resource section of the website. While 80% reported accessing, 20% reported, “I don’t know how.”  This is a point of information that we continue to shared.

Ninety percent of those responding indicated a successful email contact with TE Central.  This is a very positive reaction to our services and demonstrates the need to continue our comprehensive communication and outreach.  With regard to phone calls to TE Central – 56% report satisfaction and 42% have not called our general office number.

We asked for feedback to the significant updates made to the TELO portal.  Overall the responses were positive, with 80% appreciating the changes.  Ten percent responding selected the option – why did you change it? And 14 respondents provided comments.  Most of the comments focused on making the process even more seamless. In general, all have value and are a part of our ongoing IT discussions.

Our in-person training workshops are appreciated by those who actually take the time to attend; however, 72% have not attended and most confess it is a time and/or budget issue.  We continue to brainstorm on ways to make interactive training more available to all.

The Board directed in June, 2015 that Membership Services should publish and share a template TE guidelines.  Sixty percent of the respondents were aware of the guidelines and recognized the need to review and update their institutional TE guidelines.

Question 13’s focus was on the variety of resources available to TELO’s.  Fifteen percent asked for help in locating the information.  Follow-up instructions were shared.

Rounding out the survey was the announcement of our next big project – a TE Common application.  Of the 207 responses on this question 79 responded with Yes! How exciting.  Eighty-one responded with hum…I need more information before I can get excited.  Twenty-nine responded with Interesting, but… Thirteen said thank you but no thank you and 5 shared it is a crazy idea.  Based on membership response and the fact that many of our strongest TELO voices chimed in with “I want to help you with the development”, we are moving ahead with the concept.