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TE Board Meeting Action

At the June, 2014 Annual Tuition Exchange (TE) Board meeting in Seattle, Washington, the TE Board approved the following changes to the TE Import/Export counting process:

EI3 (Export/Import 3) was amended and accepted by the Board.  (Motion 1)

Allow each member institution, in satisfactory administrative standing, the opportunity to export three students each academic year regardless of balance and number of annual incoming imports (satisfactory administrative standing means all dues are paid in full and the annual report is on file by October 31st).

Member schools exporting annually up to three students, regardless of balance, shall annually award TE scholarships to at least an equal number of admitted students eligible for TE import­.

This policy shall be reviewed by the TE Board of Directors in January, 2017. 

What does this mean to my school?

Each TE member school in satisfactory administrative standing, regardless of Export standing (good standing, alert status or restriction) may offer up to three exports annually to students meeting the school’s eligibility guidelines.    TE member schools are not obligated to offer this option to their families, it is entirely a school’s choice to determine who they admit.  However, if the school admits a student, the school must offer the eligible student a TE scholarship.  The Importing school is under no obligation to grant this student special consideration regarding admission decisions.

For the TE member schools exporting under this provision, the school is obligated to award TE scholarships to at least an equal number of imports.  For example – if the school exports two students under this provision – the school is obliged to accept and award at least two imports.   

Schools wanting to exercise EI3, will need to sign-up for this option under the Institutional Profile inside the TELO webpage. 

Please note, TE Central may be asking follow-up questions at the conclusion of the annual report to evaluate the effectiveness of this program. 

DC3 (Double Credit 3) was amended and accepted by the Board.  (Motion 2)

Offer TE semester credit on the TE balance sheet for up to three students annually for other exchange program placements. To obtain credit, the TE member institution pays the TE participation fee per Import from another program. 

What does this mean to my school?

Beginning with the 2014-15 Annual Report, schools can utilize this new double credit option.  Schools are not obligated to participate in DC3.  However, if the school is in a status other than Satisfactory, it does provide the school with a double credit option.

Imports from other recognized exchange programs who are also members of TE can garner the school double credit.   TE Central will add all exchange programs known to TE to our Member school listing.   For those students the school wishes to count for double credit, the school will connect the student with the appropriate Exchange Program when completing the annual report.  TE member schools utilizing the double credit option will be charged the TE Participation fee of $35 for each student imported from a TE recognized exchange program. 

Discontinue the TE Cooperative Program was amended and accepted by the Board. (Motion 3) 

The TE Board of Directors believes that with the passing of EI3 and DC3 (Motions 1 and 2), the TE Coop Program is no longer needed.  Each TE member school’s status as of the 2014-15 annual report (due October 31, 2014) will be the baseline status going forward and will continue to be evaluated annually, based on a rolling five-year average. 

TE Central’s method of calculating status remains the same, and all TE member schools are encouraged to strive for an equal number of imports and exports, outside of “the up-to-three each year” as passed under EI3.

TE Central recognizes that many of our member schools successfully administer the TE program.  TE Central will on a case-by-case basis  monitor schools that appear to be out-of-balance.