Daily Snippets
TE Central creates SNIPPETS to help you visually understand a task within the TE system. If you get stuck and need details to make something work inside the TE system, please contact Janet.
2018-19 Renewal approval or reject instructions
2017-18 Continuing Student Import certification details
2017 updated TELO login details
2017 school search function - family bucket
2017 graduate school search - families
2017 deleting a duplicate application
2017 confirmation all is in order (at least for the moment)
2017 -18 continuing student recertification details
Adding Double Credit 3 students - Export schools only
Updating current TE student record due to ineligibility (grades or employment)
How do I add my TE Application deadline date to the TE System?
How do I run the TE Import and/or Export reports?
How do I update my Mandatory profile?
How do I add a student starting at a time OTHER than the Fall term?
How do I delete a duplicate TE application?
How do I update a previously rejected TE application to a different status?
How do I use the Leave of Absence (LOA) option? (Import and Export school details provided)
2022-23 Continuing Student Recertification details (EXPORTS only)