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TE March 26, 2015 Webinar

The March 26, 2015 webinar's focus What is new in the Updated TELO Portal     provided TELO's with a tour of the many updates and enhancements.

Click Power point presentation to access the presentation - 3 to a page - a total of 17 pages

Click PDF HANDOUT to access the accompanying handout - a total of 7 pages

Click HERE TO ACCESS the power point presentation - 1 slide per page - a total of 49 pages 

Click WEBINAR FAQ to access the after webinar Question and Answer document.  - a total of 7 pages.

Click here to access  the webinar recording.  We encourage you to print the power point



So what is new Janet???

1. The Re-certification button is disabled after you click re-certify.

2. You can’t enter an end date in advance of the start date.

3. You now select the beginning term date (Fall or Winter).

4. You designate your E/I 3 students.

5. An email is generated and sent to the parent’s email on file notifying them of continuing student re-certification.

6. Double Credit 3 (DC 3) is much easier to record – no need for double entry or separate invoices.

7. The issue of student withdrawing from school is much easier to update.

8. The issue of a student not accepting the TE offer is simpler.

9. When the TE awarded student says YES to your offer and deposits or enrolls (whatever your school uses to confirm the student) you can update the TE record.

10. And the best part of 9 … the student moves automagically to your ANNUAL REPORT no more manual entry.

11. TE Central has a log of all changes made by any TELO – so updates, deletions, additions and changes are tracked. No more ghosts in the system – I have a name.

12. The Continuing Scholars report is updated and will provide you with better information for purposes of forecasting, understanding capacity and even assist with budgeting.

13. The Balance Sheet has additional language to help you better understand how to calculate your standing and the percentages for Alert and Restriction status.

14. Any reference to TE Co-Op has been stored for historical purposes but is no longer listed as an option.

15. REPORTS!!!

    a.TE Central can now provide you with the following reports for both the current academic year and 2012-13, 2013-14.

    We will continue to hold data in the report area for purposes of comparison reporting

    i. Applications greater than 3

    ii. Student Export Data

    iii. Applied vs Enrolled